Wednesday, October 12, 2011

nujabes- aruarian dance

 Here is the song that i listen nowadays every day, more than 10 times in the subway when i come to the sogang university or study in library. Among R&B, Rock, Ballad...  'sibuya kei' is the category that i liked the most. Because 'sibuya kei' music is so sophistcated style and the melody is so dreamy, then those songs make me easier to sleep or study. 'NUJABES' is japaness sibuya kei musician and he is the best musician i like. His song is well matched between melody and lyrics. And his song makes me so peaceful. The link that i posted at upward, the song 'aruaran dance' is the best music among 'NUJABES''s masterpiece works. Also the group named 'Free Tempo' is also the sibuya kei musician that I liked a lot. the song name 'dreaming', when i listen to that song, it makes me feel that i'm in real dream!. So, when you find what kind of music to hear nowadays, why don't you try sibuya kei? IT'S REAL FANTASTIC!!!!!

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