Friday, October 14, 2011

LG TWINS finally changed their manger and coaching staffs

LG TWINS is a baseball club which has their home plate in seoul, jam-sil staduium. In 2011 season, LG TWINS starts their season very successfully so in march and june LG was second among 8 teams. But as season is keep going, LG's rank go down and down, and after the season, LG's rank was 6th. So, LG's manager, park-jong-hoon was resign because the team's score was bad. LG's new manager is kim-gi-tae, who was a famous hitter at 1990 era and he was LG's farm club manager. In augural ceremony he said, in 2012 season, he will make LG different by communication with fan and player. It is interesting that how he will change LG TWINS in 2012 APRIL.

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